Category: Uncategorized

  • A Win-Win, Simple, Low-Cost, Low-Effort Solution To the Wake Boat Home Rule Provision

    As a RWVL newsletter reader, it’s likely you’re well aware the Agency of Natural Resources’ new wake boat/wake sport rules that went into effect on April 15th.  It’s also likely you’re wondering – as we are – how smoothly the rollout of the new regulations will be.  The DEC, charged with implementation of the new…

  • Status of Vermont’s New Wake Sports Rule Rollout

    Memorial Day weekend is here. This signals the start of another fun Vermont water recreation season. New this summer — wake boat owners are required to follow recently enacted wake boat use rules governing wake boat activities on Vermont’s inland lakes and ponds. (Find more information at this Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) LINK.) Implementing some of…

  • ANR’s First-in-the-Nation State-wide Wake Boat Rule Effective April 15

    With little fanfare, the ANR’s new rule for managing wake boats on Vermont’s inland lakes and ponds quietly went into effect on April 15, 2024.  This followed a 7 to 1 vote in favor by the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) at their February 14 meeting.† The new rule includes three important changes described below: • The…

  • LCAR Approves First in the Nation Rule to Manage Wake Boats/Sports in Vermont

    With help from and the inspiration of you our supporters, Responsible Wakes for Vermont Lakes (RWVL) has taken its first big step forward. On Thursday, February 14, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) met for a third and final time and voted to approve ANR’s rule to manage wake boats and wake sports on…

  • Tomorrow Is D-Day—LCAR Likely to Vote on ANR’s Rule to Manage Wake Boats

    Tomorrow morning, Thursday, February 15, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) meets for a third, possibly final, time to determine the fate of “23-P17 – Agency of Natural Resources/Vermont Use of Public Waters Rules.” Beginning 8:25 AM, LCAR will discuss and then vote on whether the ANR followed the required statutory petition process for the Wake Boat Rule they announced January…

  • The End’s in Sight — Possible LCAR Vote on Final Rule Thursday 

    The Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules’ (LCAR) second (and presumably final) meeting on the Agency of Natural Resources’ (ANR) Final Wake Boat Rule is scheduled for Thursday, February 8, at 8:00 AM. LCAR’s sole task at this point is to hold public hearings to determine whether the ANR has correctly followed the legislatively established petition process in…

  • LCAR Meets Thursday, Feb 1  – Join Us Online for Final RWVL Presentations

    On Thursday, February 1 at 8:20 AM, Vermont’s Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) will be hearing testimony from 21 witnesses regarding the Final Rule of the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) regulating the use of wake boats on Vermont’s inland lakes and ponds. LCAR will then decide if the ANR correctly followed the required…

  • We Share Your Disappointment – And We Need Your Help 

    We understand that many Responsible Wakes supporters are angry and profoundly disappointed with the final rule ANR has submitted for consideration by the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR). We feel the same. As always, we have turned to each other as well as to many of you for guidance on what to do next. We have reached…

  • All Eyes Are on Vermont as February 1st LCAR Meeting Approaches 

    Vermont is not the only state currently seeking to manage wake boats and wake sports. Wisconsin, with its 15,000 lakes, has a lot at stake when it comes to the wake boat issue. As seen in the photo below, a few Wisconsin towns have already passed ordinances restricting wake boat activity as there is widespread…

  • Preparing for the February 1st LCAR Meeting on the ANR’s Final Wake Boat Rule 

    On January 3, the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) published their wake boat Final Rule. The next and final step in the ANR petition process –the Legislative Committee On Administrative Rules (LCAR) meeting  – will take place on Thursday, February 1.  Before the LCAR meeting is a great time for each of us to review how wake boats and wake sports differ from…