Category: Uncategorized

  • Is No News from the ANR Good News?

    This is a question we’ve been asking ourselves for the last several weeks as we await the ANR’s final decision on changes to the Use of Public Water Rules regarding wake boats. This is also a question many of you — our supporters — have been asking us for nearly a month. We don’t have insight into where ANR is…

  • Wakesports don’t belong on…

    The weak regulation of wakesports proposed by the Agency of Natural Resources — 500-feet from shore instead of RWVL’s 1,000-feet from shore — would allow wakesports on some of Vermont’s small, crowded, and vulnerable lakes. Lakes where wakesports do not belong. We describe in this newsletter some of the 16 lakes that would suffer under…

  • What is a Safe Wake Height?

    How far does it take for a wake surfer’s wake to dissipate to a safe height? This is a question we should have been asking all along. An interesting source of information that may help us answer this important question comes from the industry-sponsored experimental study conducted by Clifford Goudey and his associates on a…

  • Wake Boats and Wave Physics

    …in Vermont Lakes. By Phil Logsdon of Sunset Lake. As a University Physics professor, I am pleased when science is applied to decision-making. Those studying appropriate distance from shorelines for wakesports have heard strong biology and ecology science arguments for a 1,000-foot restriction. That science is extremely compelling.  Because physics predicts significant adverse consequences of any…

  • Are you listening, ANR? It’s We, the People.

    We, the people of Vermont, many years ago entrusted you, the Agency of Natural Resources, through our elected representatives in the General Assembly, to preserve and protect those traditional enjoyments of our lakes and ponds, including swimming, boating, fishing, and the enjoyment of nature, for the benefit of current and future generations. You, the Agency,…

  • Next steps moving forward

    Now that the public hearings on the proposed wakeboat rule are over, we wish to share with you our strategy and tactics for the next steps in the process. Our first goal in the short term is to convince the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) to strengthen the proposed rule based on what they heard…

  • Public Hearings Support Stronger Rule

    Sixty-six people spoke at two public hearings on August 1 and 3, in-person and on-line, regarding the proposed rule to manage wakesports. 94% supported managing wakeboats on Vermont lakes. 85% supported a stronger rule than the one proposed by the Department of Environmental Conservation; 23% favored a complete ban on wakesports on the inland lakes;…

  • On a Roll…

    …and we need you to act now so we can keep on rolling. Hearing Supports Strong Rule Of the 24 speakers at last night’s online public hearing on DEC’s proposed wake boat rule, 19 asked for it to be strengthened to a 1000-foot offset, 2 wanted to see a complete ban, 2 supported the 500-foot…

  • Solid Support at Hearing

    Last night’s hearing on the wake boat rule was a solid success for Responsible Wakes for Vermont Lakes. With 100 people in attendance at the Richmond Free Library, the Department of Environmental Conservation heard 44 speakers, 38 of whom supported a strong rule with an offset of 1000 feet or more. Four favored no rule…

  • We Need You to Act Now

    Next week we enter the home stretch of our quest to manage wakesports on Vermont lakes. For more than two years we have been working with the state Department of Environmental Conservation and with thousands of Vermonters to craft a rule that would keep wakesports in deep water, far from shore, where they do the…