Tomorrow morning, Thursday, February 15, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) meets for a third, possibly final, time to determine the fate of “23-P17 – Agency of Natural Resources/Vermont Use of Public Waters Rules.” Beginning 8:25 AM, LCAR will discuss and then vote on whether the ANR followed the required statutory petition process for the Wake Boat Rule they announced January 3. You may join the YouTube livestream beginning at 8:00 AM by clicking here followed by clicking on the “Live” heading that will take you to the “LCAR – 02-15-2024 – 08:00 AM” meeting you must click on to join.
It bears repeating that RWVL has come to support the ANR’s weak 500-foot final Rule with great reluctance. It was only after considerable discussion and heart wrenching debate that we decided getting a rule in place for this upcoming summer’s boating season was more important than getting the perfect rule. This decision was supported by most — but not all — of our supporters because of our belief that the benefits of not delaying implementation of a rule for this summer is supported by the three compelling reasons illustrated here:

For tomorrow’s meeting, RWVL has requested that LCAR insist on two important modifications that will strengthen the ANR’s Final Rule:
- When user conflicts arise, they are resolved by giving deference to “normal uses” as defined in Section 5.6 of the Use of Public Waters Rules (UPWR); and
- TBroadening the ANR’s UPWR definition of “wake boat” to include additional boat technologies and designs that enhance wake size.
Even if LCAR votes tomorrow to support the adoption of the ANR Rule, RWVL’s work will not be done. Our group will continue our vigorous efforts to protect and preserve Vermont’s lakes and ponds from adverse wake boat and wake sport impacts — whether such efforts be by legislation or by helping individual lakes file petitions for managing wake boats locally.
Your continued support of RWVL’s goals in managing wake boats remains critical to the protection Vermont’s lakes … for the benefit of present and future generations.