Compelling Reasons…

for why 500 feet is not enough.

As the countdown to the August 1 public hearing on the state’s wakeboard rule ticks away, many Vermonters are asking why the 500-foot-from-shore offset proposed by the Department of Environmental Conservation is inadequate. To answer this question, Responsible Wakes for Vermont Lakes (RWVL) has prepared a six-page position paper entitled Why 500 Feet from Shore is Not Enough.

Here is a summary of its main points:


a. Research studies show that it takes a thousand feet for wakeboard waves to dissipate to a safe level.

b. As the number, size, and power of wakeboats increases, the safe distance will also need to increase.

c. It’s best to err on the side of caution to better protect Vermont’s natural resources for future generations.

Public Safety

a. Wake sports create serious peril for children, seniors, less experienced paddlers, and small sailboats.

b. Wake sports preclude normal, traditional uses of our lakes such as paddling, swimming, fishing, and nature study.

c. A 500-foot offset leaves only a very narrow near-shore band of safe water for paddlers, rowers, and swimmers.


a. A strong rule with a 1000-foot offset will reduce the costs of maintaining water quality and responding to aquatic invasive species.

b. A strong rule keeps our lakes safe and healthy, thus maintaining Vermont’s important summer tourism.

c. A strong rule will reduce negative impacts on the value of shoreland property and maintain a strong local tax base.

d. The 1000-foot offset will put more lakes on the no-wake-boat list, thus decreasing enforcement costs.

Public Support

a. RWVL has witnessed an outpouring of public support for a strong rule.

b. Many Vermont lake associations and individuals call for an outright ban on wakeboats.

c. Without a stronger rule, a very small subset of boaters — about 1% — would dominate 31 of our most popular lakes.

d. Vermonters’ deep regard for our unique and fragile natural resources has once again risen to the surface.

e. RWVL sees growing appreciation of the magnitude of danger from wakesports, and their disruption of other enjoyments on our lakes.

To read the entire position paper, connect to Why 500 Feet from Shore is Not Enough.

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